This is a “vault” post. These are events that I made videos for but didn’t really make write ups for. So these write ups will not be as detailed as my recent events.
Homeward Bound
As much as I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and, to the horror of my companions, wish to do it again, I was ready to go home. I missed my children and my husband. I missed running water and hot showers. I missed sleeping in. I missed not having condensation on my bed or sleeping quarters.
All of use were eager for home. Luckily, day six was the shortest day of them all with the final push bringing us to a rodeo grounds for a public finale and out reach. The Cracker herd was gorgeous with their horns and as a result, none of us normal folk were able to be close to them. No one would want this herd stampeding. We also had what I think was the scariest incident.
We had to pass through an underpass under a road. This was small, echoing and dark concrete tube. When the cars came over top it was so loud. I was so fearful some horses would panic and that would just eat through the horses faster than a one-legged man at a butt kicking competition. The one next to Roach was particularly fidgety. Thankfully, I’ve learned this since then, Roach has a good placid demeanor and doesn’t tend to get riled up by horses he doesn’t “respect.” He has a grading system for who’s alerts and cues he should trust and others he should ignore for being stupid.
We got through the tunnel without incident and went on in the beautiful fog.
I was so happy to be home. So happy to have running water. But also so thankful for this truly unique experience.

Looking for just the video? Click here! But you should still read the post.

Cattle Drive day Six Video